
Posts Tagged ‘recruitment’

Although I have blogged about resume writing before, this time I would like to include new information that will help you update your resume for future submittals.

There are innovative ways to present your resume that look great; however, they are not working for you if they lack key pieces of information.

Contact Information

What should you include?

First Last Name
Street Address
City, State, Zip
Phone (Cell/Home)
Email Address

Many of you may be skeptical about including your address in your resume, but you are making it harder for the recruiter to include you in their search. You may be willing to drive 30 miles one way to work, however that distance could be the deal breaker for the employer.

Degree v Skills


What is the salary difference between a degree from XYZ prestigious university and a degree from ABC state college? According to Riviera Partners’ placement data, the difference is about $12,482. The difference is not as much as what most people assume it is; however, those that graduated from prestigious universities had to pay more tuition than those in state and jr colleges.


Resumes are parsed into a database that recruiters are able to access and browse by field. The recruiters browse through hundreds and thousands of resumes in search of a candidate with skills specific to a job order.

The skills and experience content in your resume will determine your qualifications for that specific position.


Recent graduates should read our post on the importance of internships.

Gaps in employment are not uncommon, but should be filled with relevant information such as volunteer work. Doing volunteer work is fulfilling and beneficial to your career. A cover letter may be used to explain employment gaps, but they are often not parsed.

Don’t forget to give examples!


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